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Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Engine for Search Engines...

A new method to Explore & Show Animated content in Animated Web Pages!

In google or yahoo or whatever search engine, we can not assure that these engines index all the web sites in the internet. As an example, the designs using flash software i.e SWF files (swf - shockwave Flash) can not be explored by any search engine available.

Normally, the applications with animation parts within a website, are flash files as mentioned earlier. It is calculated that there are more than 70 millions of flash files available in the internet. Though whatever important data it contains, those are not important to the search engines since they don't have a method to get those.

To remove this mistake Adobe corporation introduced new methodology to identify and read the content of text files in these Animated files in the start of July month. The new introduction is a new software given to the corporations who own the popular search engines. Actually that was a special flash animation player prepared for that task.

The internet users are not needed to download that software. Also the web site designers who use flash animations are not needed as well. The only thing which is needed to do is connect that software into the search engines by the governors.

If an internet user put a quarry to a search engine, special software programs are available to choose the best matching sites for the quarry. Those software programs are called as 'spiders'. what the flash player ( introduced by Adobe corporation) does is let the spiders to move into the flash contents inside the web sites. So, the search result will display depending to the animated content as well.

No such thing available before introducing new flash player. Due to that the content with flash animations are hidden from the search engines earlier. After Adobe corporation hand it over to the google and yahoo search engines, the information inside flash files, are revealed. Therefor considerable amount of difference occurred in the world wide web even though the user may not aware it. The difference is the length of result page for a quarry is much longer than that in earlier.

The reason for that elongation is the revealing of data of hidden data for the internet world!

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