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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Easy Online Tools! - Online music editing

Best website for editing music to create a mix of couple of your favourite songs, completely remix a song, to make your own music and beats visit the most advanced online sequencer complete with real time synths and DSP sound effects..! You can download remixed songs of users from that site as well. Totally free...!

Another fantastic website for online music editing. All you have to do is, Select the instrument from a large selection, select the notes and the chords , experiment with it, register an account, save it and share it with the world. A fine flash based website specially created for that purpose. Absolutely free..!

Here you can mix your music tracks and they have a huge library of pre-recorded music that can be used to create your own tracks, or just to simple mix and play around with.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Easy onlineTools! - Create own slide shows..

This is a kind of web site which facilitates to design a slide show for your own set of images as your wish. This is a totally free service and this facilitates to add own back ground with music (if needed). Now you can share those slide shows with your friends too.. !

Very easy three steps to create, save and share your slide shows..! You Can add attractive back ground, music, video, theme whatever you wish. Also you can upload images from your facebook, myspace,Flicker or from any other places to create the slide show. After finishing, you can share that with your friends in any social network easily.. !Totally Free.. !

From here also you can do the same things as above.. Especially you can crop,fix,edit and organize the images before explore to the world.. !

Create cool slide shows and publish in the net. Not only that, slideroll facilitates you to convert the slide show into video so you can create dvds, youtube clips, etc. Absolutely free.. !

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

E-Newspapers.. Download any news paper & watch relaxedly !

A new equipment is developed for giving up the use of news papers & magazines printed on papers. That is used to call as 'e-Newspapers'. An e-newspaper is seemed to be a magazine like thing. It too has the almost same length and width of a magazine. But considering the inside technology which is used to develop that is pretty complex. There is a computer embedded into the e-newspaper even it's thinner as a paper. All the circuit components are developed using transistor arrays on flexible plastic substrates.

We can use a wireless system to download the useful news papers easily. Many other methods are applicable for that purpose. We can fetch the next page as soon as we finish reading one page into this plastic e-news paper. Like that when finish reading all the pages we can keep it aside or fetch another paper or a magazine easily.

This equipment is also a type of E-readers. An E-reader is also a similar device used to read books. But rather than that we can use this device to fetch any format of documents such as word, excel, power point, pdf, etc. Also it is capable of storing several papers and read them later.

This latest equipment will be released at the end of this year. And this is manufactured in a USA company called 'Plastic Logic' organization. Now a days they are trying to make agreements with famous media industries to develop the background facilities, cater with their news items. That will be finished at the end of this year and they hope to release the e-newspaper product to the market at the middle of next year.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Laptops with Power Plants...!

A new discovery of small thermal engine instead of Laptop Battery!

In near future, new coming Laptop computers, Mobile phones, Radios, etc. will be empowered by using thermal engines but not from Batteries. That is something like thermal generator engine or vehicle engine like engine operates by using fuels, developed by Massachusetts technology transfer center, USA.

There should be some basic components since it's operated by burning fuels though it's small and compact. There must be a combustion chamber to mix air and the fuel gases. Before that there should be a compressor to compress air and fuel as well as spinning blades to produce power. Those are essential for an engine. Other than that a cooling method should be implemented. With combination of all those components, a design for new engine is started by prof.Alan Epstein ( from Massachusetts technical centre) more than a decade earlier. Now he has successfully finished that task though it has taken many years.

This engine was created by using silicon plates. On those plates the rooms and other essentials are scratched. Together with six such blades this engine is created and it's smaller than a coin. After it is started the turbine blades which are tiny but strong will rotates more than 20,000 per second. So, then the compressed air is sent around the heated engine. now this engine is capable to produce power to operate 10W bulb. This is sufficient for a laptop computer.

This type of engine will not be too expensive to produce. Such as manufacturing Microchips, many engines can be manufactured at once by using silicon vapors and those can be separated from each other easily. So then the cost of production for one such engine takes something similar to a laptop battery.

Also the exiting thing is we can operate that thermal engine to empower connected laptop for around 15 to 20 hours from the cost of electric power needed for a laptop battery to operate about 3 hours!.

Therefor if we compare the values of that with traditional laptop battery we directly choose the thermal engine without any doubt.

The engine already developed, will be connected to new coming laptops within next years. Now the developers do some experiments to find out the methods to connect this engine with the silicon circuits. And we people wish to happen it soon :-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Wold Record with Firefox 3.0!

The latest version of Firefox web browser is Firefox 3.0. It was published in last 17th of June for the public. After it was released for free download internet users from 230 countries started to download that into their own computers. After 24 hours from that release a research is launched by the world Guinness record authority to calculate the number of people who have downloaded that browser. The research indicated that the amount was 8 002 530 people!. Considering that amount the Guinness record committee decided the Firefox browser has gain a new world record. The record is the 'Most Download piece of software in the first 24 hours'.

The non-profitable foundation, Mozilla foundation ( situated in California, USA) represents the Firefox web browser. This is a Graphical web browser which is delivered for free of charge.

The view of the office shared by Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla corporation.

The fist version of Firefox web browser 'Firefox 1.0' released on 09th of November 2004. The second version 'Firefox 2.0' released on 24th of October 2006. When they prepared to release the latest version more than 108 millions of people were using Firefox 2.0. With that the Firefox web browser had become the second place among the most popular web browsers. First place was taken by Internet Explorer browser. But with attractive features Firefox become more and more popular among internet users. That can be proven by considering the competition among those web browsers in the last year.

According to the NetApplication research center ( Who calculate the market share of web browser) by the time of July, 2007 the Internet web browser's market share was 79.26%. And that was 14.45% for Firefox. After one year (i.e. July - 2008) the amount of population who use Internet Explorer had been dropped to 73.01% and that had been increased to 19.03% for Firefox.

Giving away for free of charge is not the only reason for gaining such popularity for Firefox. The reason is it contains more attractive features over Internet Explorer. On one side it is more safer. The amount of virus and other attacks is lesser for Firefox. Also it is more faster and customizable. Considering about the speed in new Firefox 3.0, it is more than Internet Explorer as well as 4 times than Firefox 2.0. The new version was created by adding more than 11000 applications for the old version 2 .0.

Download Firefox 3.0 :-

Monday, August 11, 2008

Another Engine for Search Engines...

A new method to Explore & Show Animated content in Animated Web Pages!

In google or yahoo or whatever search engine, we can not assure that these engines index all the web sites in the internet. As an example, the designs using flash software i.e SWF files (swf - shockwave Flash) can not be explored by any search engine available.

Normally, the applications with animation parts within a website, are flash files as mentioned earlier. It is calculated that there are more than 70 millions of flash files available in the internet. Though whatever important data it contains, those are not important to the search engines since they don't have a method to get those.

To remove this mistake Adobe corporation introduced new methodology to identify and read the content of text files in these Animated files in the start of July month. The new introduction is a new software given to the corporations who own the popular search engines. Actually that was a special flash animation player prepared for that task.

The internet users are not needed to download that software. Also the web site designers who use flash animations are not needed as well. The only thing which is needed to do is connect that software into the search engines by the governors.

If an internet user put a quarry to a search engine, special software programs are available to choose the best matching sites for the quarry. Those software programs are called as 'spiders'. what the flash player ( introduced by Adobe corporation) does is let the spiders to move into the flash contents inside the web sites. So, the search result will display depending to the animated content as well.

No such thing available before introducing new flash player. Due to that the content with flash animations are hidden from the search engines earlier. After Adobe corporation hand it over to the google and yahoo search engines, the information inside flash files, are revealed. Therefor considerable amount of difference occurred in the world wide web even though the user may not aware it. The difference is the length of result page for a quarry is much longer than that in earlier.

The reason for that elongation is the revealing of data of hidden data for the internet world!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Freedom of Domain Names!

For the last 25 years of time in the internet domain names, or another way in web addresses, the basic structure is owned by/ controlled by, a non-profitable American Corporation called ICANN (ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Only about 20 public names are used to end the names of all web sites (around 165 millions of web sites) in world. TLDN (TLDN - Top Level Domain Name) is the name to introduce those public names and no body has authority to change those.

But the group of high level authority in ICANN corporation held a meeting on the date of 26th of June this year, decided to break the rules and let the user can assign a desired name or set of characters for their top level domain. Also the name need not to be in English language. Any body can use any language for their top level domain.

But the people who get the most benefits from this new regulation are businessmen. As an example if Microsoft corporation expect to use '.microsoft' domain name, they can use that as their own top level domain name. Also all the google web site names will end with '.google' top level domain name. At present all those web sites are ended with the most popular top level domain name of '.com'. By this time almost 70 millions of websites ended with that '.com' domain name.

Those top level domain names are particularly useful to find a correct web site and to send an e-mail message to the correct place in the internet. The reason behind to give few top level domain even though there are millions of web sites available, is the cost to develop a technological background is very high. So, according to this new technology, if somebody need to have his own top level domain, he will be charged for the maintenance cost of hardware and server allocation. According to this publication, for a particular domain name the owner should pay around 100,000 $ of US to the ICANN.

The ICANN corporation said that they expect to launch the project in next April, 2009 with ten millions of US dollars. According to that at the end of 2009, there will be thousands of top level domains beside the few amount of top level domains said by Pole Tonmi, CEO-ICANN corporation.

Suicide SMS

StealthText Technology - "So secure, IT self- Destructs"

One of the most famous service among the people who use mobile phones is SMS (short message service). At the present technology, the received sms will not loose until the user delete it from the inbox. Though it may an advantage, the problem is if the phone goes to another person, he/she can read it. That may cause problems for the user's personality.

So, to prevent the damage occure in such cases, an useful new technology is used in United Kingdom (UK). That is a 'Self-Destructing' SMS service. According to the technology represent by Staellium UK Ltd, ( a SMS will remain about 40 seconds after open it. After that time that SMS will go forever.

Similar technology is used in a Tele drama called "mission impossible" telecasted about in 1980. The idea about self-destruct SMS service came from thanks for that tele drama said by 'Carole Barnum', Staellium’s CEO.

This self-destruct message technology is called "StealthText". The meaning of that ' Due to this technology no guest have space to steal a SMS message from the user' said by the creators.

The people who willing to get this technology first needed to by a special software from the creators. After the registration with the company, that SMS program can be downloaded to their own mobile phone. After that the program ask what to do with the all receiving SMS message to the phone. If the user want to keep it as regular manner, he can open and read it and then keep it without self-destructing.

But if the user open that SMS through "StealthText" program it will only remain 40 second on his mobile phone.

For more visit

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Study in Australia..

I have made it easy for you to research the Australian university sector by selecting from the map below or from the menu on the left:

Click for an Alphabetical:
List of Universities in Australia
Click for Location Based Australian Universities:
Universities in Sydney

There are many and varied reasons for wanting to study in one of the universities in Australia, and more international students are making their way to study abroad Australia every year. There are many international students wishing to study in Australia and the number studying in Australia increased from 7,000 in 1986 to 147,130 in 2004. Australia's forty government-funded universities have a reputation for quality education; indeed, these institutions are controlled by both State and Federal legislation, and receive both accreditation and registration to provide courses for international students.

Why UK for higher studies..?

UK Universities and Colleges are internationally recognised. The international education system in the UK prepares future successful entrepreneurs and excellent employees. The UK educated students get excellent employment opportunities in India and abroad.The UK Universities and colleges provide a stimulating, research-active environment, with the opportunity, to learn from academic staff. All the departments provide research opportunities and a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses which are globally recognised.All UK Universities and college provide safe, caring and secure environment to their students.Some of the main reasons to study in UK

No application fee
Individualised attention
Earn while you learn
Less cost of studies
Free medical assistance
Large number of Indian students
Extra curricular activities and fitness centre

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